2012년 5월 14일 월요일

Extra Credit

  •  What is your opinion of their act of eating human flesh? Do you agree or disagree with the characters' stand that "God would want them to act according to what their heart says..."? Defend your answer.

    I agree that act of eating human flesh is applicable in the situation like the movie. The people were dead and I really agree that it is ok to eat human flesh because it is really a situation where if you don't eat, you will die. Some people might say that the character is just using god as something for getting food because he is really starving. It can be, but it is not possible because if god wants you to eat it and save their selves, you should. We couldn't understand at first why god did that, but now we know that because god made them a motivational speaker who turns people to believe in god. I think eating a dead people was something like donating organs after death. The people who were dead were not killed by the survivors, but accident or coldness killed them, so it was not their choice to kill them. They donated their whole body for other people's life and also the body is not needed by them because they are already dead. They will also be proud because they donated their body for others need. 

2012년 5월 12일 토요일

Last Week

Huah,,,, Time flies! It has been 6 month I went to MIT and it feels like I'm just new here. When I first came here I was quiet and just studied, but now, I think I changed a lot. People around me really helped me to settle in the place. When I first went to Brent, I couldn't talk with them because I didn't know any English. I am happy that I moved here because I study here. I always got GPA of 3.5 in Brent and didn't go up. The reason why I got grades like that and didn't go up was because I didn't study. I didn't study because there were so many clubs that I can join that made me concentrate in other things. I joined Soccer team, ,other sports team  and also band and orchestra. I didn't concentrate on my studies but did concentrated on my clubs. My father then decided that I have to study so he moved me here. 6 month was like a journey and this journey had happy moments and sad moments. I think this journey was something that made who I am and I want to keep my journey as a memory and start a new one with another adventure. We have one more week left and I think we should study hard and have what we want to have. I heard some of us is leaving to other school or other countries. I don't think this is it and I wish I will meet them in the future. Did I talk to long? :)  

This week will be our last week and lets do it guys!!!(portfolios ㅠㅠ)

Do you agree or disagree with the following

Teachers should be paid according to how much their student learn. 

School is a place to learn knowledge, but if the school pays salary based on the student’s grade, what will happen? Will this help teachers and the students?

I do not agree with the statement teachers should be paid according to how much their student learns. Firstly, teachers are not the only people who are responsible for their students’ studies. Students themselves and other people, who take care of students after school, are also responsible for their academic accomplishments. A teacher does not have enough time in a class to give individual attention to every student. Parents and other people, who take care of students after school, are also responsible for their learning after school to improve their grades.

Secondly, every student gains knowledge with his own natural ability to learn. It is not necessary that all students will learn something at the same time. For example, in a class some students gives more concentration on studies and some take extra time to learn something. A student who has low IQ will concentrate less than a normal student. As a result, the results of a class will not be uniform.

Thirdly, may be, teachers become dishonest when they will be paid on the basis of their students learning. They will not teach them things that will help our future life. Instead of that, they will be worry about the results of the tests and exams of the students. For example, they teach only the topics which they are going to give in the exams because they will want their students to get good grades. That is because they know that if the grades of the students will be good then their salary will be increased.

In conclusion, Teachers should not be paid on the basis of their students learning because many other people than teachers are responsible for students’ academic success and also this will affect both students and teachers badly.

 PS: I'm writing this to practice my TOEFL writing. 

2012년 5월 7일 월요일

How to combat discrimination?

People discriminate with a lot of things.

1. Gender

2. Disability

3. Aperance

4. Money

5. Color of skin

6. Age

7. statues

8. Religion 

9. Who has disease 

I will write reflection after watching a video 

It was so touching to see this video because I didn't know discrimination was happening. 
I really didn't know that people were so discriminating even me. I can not say I will stop discrimination because in my heart, it is doing it, but I try to not show it because this makes others feel bad.  

The world has different point of views and there is no good view and wrong view. That is why people saying whites are better than black without specifying that it's just your point of view is bad. Yes, this applies to every discrimination around the world. We can not say you are wrong because every body has different point of view, but one thing is if you discriminate a thing or a person, why do you tell the world about it. 

Now, How to combat these problems? 

1. Write a lot of posters and play the anti discrimination videos to make them touched and make them think how thing that they do affects people. 

2. Make a rule on discrimination to make people forced to do it 

3. Make a place to report discrimination. People should tell they are getting discriminated or not.

4.  Teachers should treat everybody equally.

I don't wish that the world will be a place without discrimination. I just wish that people would not show they are discriminating. I  just want to share a video to end my talk 

2012년 5월 6일 일요일

Do you agree or disagree with this ?

“Always telling the truth is the most important consideration in any relationship”

Humans need to have any kind of relationship to be called as a human, and in any relationship, people limit showing every part of their privacy. Why? Humans have faults with them and they think if they show their faults, the relationship will break. So, what is the best way? Do we tell the truth or not?
           When we always tell truth, we don’t have any privacy left with us. This makes us to lose our identity. When we lose our identity, it is really hard to live as a good person, because everybody will think that I’m a hypocrite. Everybody knows what I will do next, so it will be hard for me to start something. Humans are cunning creatures whom use others for their own good. If they know every part of me, they will use my information to do bad things like stealing and selling me to kidnapper.    
           Also, not telling truth can be a good tactic when the person has bad personal background. Nobody will want to become friend with former gangster or former criminal. People will fear the person and never go close to the person because they think the person will do the same to them.
           We also need white lies. White lies are lies that are done to protect somebody from danger. We often times use white lies to protect friends, but you also can use it to make others feel good. Even though if you think the person is not good at English, if you encourage them and say “you are good”, they will feel good and will want to be friend with you. We also tell white lies to not insult somebody even thought you feel bad.
           Nowadays, number of incidents was caused by telling truth to others. Telling truth can be a good thing to strengthen the relationship, but if it is returned with cajolement, you will have trouble.  


1. Write a definition of the word indoctrinate. How does it 
differ from the word 

educate? How did Hitler try to indoctrinate young Germans? What should the

goals of education be? 

A: Definition of indoctrinate is teach someone or a group  systematically to accept doctrines. Doctrines are set of principles or beliefs. This differs with the word educate in many ways. First,  If people are indoctrinatedthey are taught a particular belief with the aim that they will reject other beliefs. In education, they teach you for critical thinking and things that you can think of to learn as a question. Hitler tried to indoctrinate young Germans using good speech.  He first made the country powerful, economically and also in military. He then said to people that Jews are bad because we are superior than them.  That's why in the movie, Young Germans became some how like a slave because woman became prostitutes and young men became workers. They also killed people who can not work. People believed in him and was indoctrinated with his ideas. The goals of education should be to help others and also yourself. For example, you study to get in to good university, and you again study for your future job. You work to earn money. 

2. Why is it important that a child be taught to conform? To obey? What is the 

difference between obedience and blind obedience? What arguments would 

you use to convince a young Nazi that obeying is not always the right thing to 


               It is important that child should be taught to conform and obey. For example, If your child runs towards a traffic, how important is it that they STOP just because you said STOP? Obedience is a must because this makes your life easy. Any country has a rule to obey, and if you don't obey the rules, you will have to pay compensation, go to 
the prison or in worse case, you will find yourself hurt after you didn't obey the rules. 

           Obedience and Blind Obedience is a really different thing. Obedience is a action 
that is following what someone is saying to do(you have a choice to do or not to do), but Blind obedience is obeying everything the other person says(no choice). Blind obedience happens for example when the high rank Nazi guy was shooting people if they don't work, so everybody will work hard to not die.  

           To convince a young Nazi we have to first show what is right and what will happen
 to the world if the world is without Nazi. We also have to tell them that they are getting 
brain washed by the Nazi. We also go to them with peace and love, so that they know we care about them and we are here to help them. 

Last Week

Last week, there were a lot of long tests and quiz. We had long test in Science, English, Math and Social Science. Why all together? ㅠㅠ The grades I got was good except English. I didn't study hard for English because I was cramming with a lot of things. Also Today, I think I have to cram,,,,, I have to do my SS homework, Science homework, English homework. I also have to study for my English quizzes. I am now thinking should I do the extra credit work or not....,. I have to also prepare for my upcoming final exam and aksi portfolio for Math and English. ahahahahah.......... ok Now I will tell what I have to do until vacation.

1. Check my grades and improve it

2. Always try my best

3. Don't cram(but I'm cramming rgt now ㅠ )
4. Study and do Homeworks