2012년 2월 27일 월요일

Enjoying Life

      Everybody in the world is busy working and they are saying what is happening to world!...... But as we think about the world, there are so many things that we have. Why do you think you are born? Do you think you are born in a coincidence? Maybe you might think you are born in a coincidence, but I think we are all born with purpose. The purpose is to reach our own goal and to spread love of a god :) But as we are working hard to reach our own goal, we feel a lot of stress and get depressed. So, how are we going to overcome this?
     When people have difficulties they just want to escape it or not face it, but I have better Idea. Why don'y you just enjoy what you are facing. You can find a lot of things that you take for granted. You have to know some people can't work because they don't have job or they don't have limbs. Some people has achieved there goals even thought they are blind, deaf or can't speak. People who is disabled but reached there goals have one thing in common. They loved what they were doing (: But there is always warning. You should control what is source of your joyfulness. When you get joy doing bad things, this is bad rgt? So live good and happy 
     Being positive and enjoying the life itself but controlling what is right and wrong is the most important thing in you life and this will make you happy and joyful      

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