2012년 5월 6일 일요일


1. Write a definition of the word indoctrinate. How does it 
differ from the word 

educate? How did Hitler try to indoctrinate young Germans? What should the

goals of education be? 

A: Definition of indoctrinate is teach someone or a group  systematically to accept doctrines. Doctrines are set of principles or beliefs. This differs with the word educate in many ways. First,  If people are indoctrinatedthey are taught a particular belief with the aim that they will reject other beliefs. In education, they teach you for critical thinking and things that you can think of to learn as a question. Hitler tried to indoctrinate young Germans using good speech.  He first made the country powerful, economically and also in military. He then said to people that Jews are bad because we are superior than them.  That's why in the movie, Young Germans became some how like a slave because woman became prostitutes and young men became workers. They also killed people who can not work. People believed in him and was indoctrinated with his ideas. The goals of education should be to help others and also yourself. For example, you study to get in to good university, and you again study for your future job. You work to earn money. 

2. Why is it important that a child be taught to conform? To obey? What is the 

difference between obedience and blind obedience? What arguments would 

you use to convince a young Nazi that obeying is not always the right thing to 


               It is important that child should be taught to conform and obey. For example, If your child runs towards a traffic, how important is it that they STOP just because you said STOP? Obedience is a must because this makes your life easy. Any country has a rule to obey, and if you don't obey the rules, you will have to pay compensation, go to 
the prison or in worse case, you will find yourself hurt after you didn't obey the rules. 

           Obedience and Blind Obedience is a really different thing. Obedience is a action 
that is following what someone is saying to do(you have a choice to do or not to do), but Blind obedience is obeying everything the other person says(no choice). Blind obedience happens for example when the high rank Nazi guy was shooting people if they don't work, so everybody will work hard to not die.  

           To convince a young Nazi we have to first show what is right and what will happen
 to the world if the world is without Nazi. We also have to tell them that they are getting 
brain washed by the Nazi. We also go to them with peace and love, so that they know we care about them and we are here to help them. 

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